
After the incident, Burgos received an invitation to the Dominican Consulate of Boston, Massachusetts, on January 31, 2023, where he was honored for his selfless act. The following day, Lawrence’s mayor and councilors also extended their gratitude, recognizing him for saving the woman’s life and commending him as “an exemplary figure for all.”

Mayor Brian DePena expressed his appreciation during Burgos’s visit to City Hall: “I consider myself fortunate to meet you. My staff showed me the video of you assisting the person on the highway, and I understand your parents have instilled in you the values of being a responsible member of our society.”

Having relocated to Lawrence from the Dominican Republic with his family over five years ago, Burgos’s wife, speaking to CBS Boston, remarked that his swift action didn’t come as a surprise: “He’s naturally helpful, so while it wasn’t unexpected, it also felt like a sign from a higher power for him to intervene at that precise moment.”

Burgos explained his willingness to risk his life, emphasizing that the person in the car could be someone’s mother or sister. He asserted that if faced with the same scenario countless times, he would not hesitate to act similarly, attributing his safety while crossing the bustling highway to divine protection.

Despite not having heard from the woman he rescued, Burgos expressed his intention to meet her one day for a heartfelt embrace. Since the video went viral, his family noted a constant stream of incoming calls on their phones

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