
In a heartwarming turn of events, a 4-year-old girl who had gone missing was rescued from the woodlands thanks to the quick instincts of a police officer. The kidnapper, a recently-released felon, was eventually apprehended after crossing state borders.

The joyous news was announced during a vigil for the young girl, with the mayor expressing relief that the situation had turned out positively. The Todd family also released a statement, thanking everyone for their support during the difficult time and asking for privacy as they reunite and heal as a family.

The police officer who had rescued the girl expressed his gratitude for being in the right place at the right time, and shared that his decades-long career in law enforcement had been highlighted by this rescue.

It is heartening to see the community come together to support the Todd family and celebrate the safe return of their daughter. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of quick action and the bravery of law enforcement officials in keeping our communities safe.

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