The act, famously known as “Boogie Storm,” previously competed on “Britain’s Got Talent” in 2016, where they were also recipients of Cowell’s golden buzzer. Returning to the stage on “America’s Got Talent,” the group delivered a sensational dance routine dressed as stormtroopers.
Their performance featured energetic renditions of songs like The Offspring’s “Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)” and Ariana Grande, Jessie J, and Nicki Minaj’s “Bang Bang.” Simon, reminiscing about their previous stint on “Britain’s Got Talent,” expressed his admiration, stating, “This act was on Britain’s Got Talent, they were my Golden Buzzer. I swear to god. If it was me, I’d give them the Golden Buzzer, I would.”
However, Howie Mandel, having a different opinion, opted not to give the Golden Buzzer to “Boogie Storm.” He explained, “I can’t. You know what, it’s my choice – sorry, guys.” Contrary to Howie’s decision, Simon had different plans. In a surprising move, he reached over and hit the Golden Buzzer, effectively taking it from Howie and propelling the group straight to the finale.
The unexpected rule-breaking by Simon shocked everyone, but he justified his action by declaring, “These guys are one of the most original acts we’ve ever had; they have to be in the final, they have to be.”