Going to hospitals and visiting sick people can make a lot of us uncomfortable. We know the people we are visiting value the companionship, but it can be tough to think of things to say and difficult to see our loved ones sick and hurting when we want to remember them as vibrant and full of life.
That’s why it was understandable that 5-year-old Sophie was a little nervous to meet her great-grandmother for the first time. Sophie’s Great Nana suffers from dementia and is confined to her bed.
Sophie’s family wasn’t sure how she would react to meeting her Great Nana and seeing her in such a sad state, but what the little girl did next left them all in tears.
Without any fear or reservation, Sophie nuzzled up next to her great-grandmother and softly stroked her face as she sang “You Are My Sunshine,” a special song in their family.
The video, which was posted on YouTube on Aug. 24, has since been viewed more than 400,000 times. Watch it below: