
A school bus driver, Herman Cruse, has become an unlikely hero for his dedication to helping students with their reading skills. This passion for reading began in his childhood when his mother bought him a World Book Encyclopedia which he read from cover to cover. With over three decades of experience as a school bus driver, Herman believes that reading helped guide him into his career.

Herman shared with The Washington Post that he enjoys helping the children learn to read and is passionate about seeing them develop the necessary skills. He loves how reading opens up a whole new world for them and feels lucky to see it firsthand. His enthusiasm has had a profound impact on the children he works with, instilling a sense of pride and joy as they learn to read.

To recognize his selflessness and contribution, Today host Jenna Bush Hager arranged a surprise ceremony for Herman after school. Overwhelmed with emotion, Herman was greeted by his students who thanked him for his dedication. Jenna presented him with a beautiful frame that read “Mr. Herman’s Kids Corner,” dedicating a space for him to conduct his reading lessons. Additionally, a publishing company pledged to donate a thousand books for the school and Herman’s personal enjoyment.

Herman’s love for reading has touched the lives of many students and inspired them to embrace the beauty of literature. It is people like Herman who make a significant difference in the lives of young children, nurturing their potential and helping them unlock a world of possibilities

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