You probably came across videos of choirs singing in other places than theater; some have performed on bridges,against beautiful mountain valleys, with family in living rooms and in packed concert halls – but nothing is as remarkably impressive as the Bethel College Choir’s show inside one of the most unlikely location: an empty grain silo.
The choir chose to sing “Down to the River to Pray.” The words are haunting in almost any context. The lyrics describe how it feels to seek God. The result is so impressive viewers can’t help but share it.
With the help of Farmer Derek Klingenberg they were able to perform in an empty silo.
Farmer Derek Klingenberg graciously hosted the group who practiced for weeks so the special acoustics of this big steel container. They wanted to nail down every note of their rendition.
The talented group of singers and musicians gave a spine-chilling performance. When you hear the words echoing through the silo, it sounds as if God Himself is speaking to us. His voice is loud and mighty. All the sons of man are shouting for joy, just as He described.
The moment they finished, smiles spread all of their faces; They were all proud of their performance and excited to share it with the world to see
When they had finished smiles spread across all of their faces; a realization of what they had just achieved. It was a performance to be proud of.
Unsurprisingly more than 144,000 people have viewed this hauntingly beautiful performance. See it for yourself in the video below.