
Pulled over for a routine check, Ebony Rhodes felt nauseous and butterflies in her stomach as she stopped, she was so far down on luck that this was really the last thing that she needed today.

The police officer, Jeff Glazier, wanted to see her license and registration, but both of them were expired, just to make it worse she also had no insurance either. Tere were no other options open to him, he had to impound her car and arrest her, she was heartbroken but it all.

On the way back to the police station with Ebony the Officer received a call, one of the officers who searched her car found something strange about something on the back seats. The officer was alarmed and reported it to Jeff Glazier!

The officers just kept on pulling out belongings and a ton of clothes, it was really a huge amount of things, like her whole apartment was squashed into the car.

Ebony had to reveal the terrible and sad truth about the fact that she was homeless and had been forced to live out of her car, but she was living in the car with four children too!

For an incredible and grueling six months her four children, Calvin, Ja’heame, Isaac, and Dannaija were all living out of the car, which happened to be a 20-year-old Buick Regal, but they how no other options!

Eboly desperately tried to keep her family above water, by working at Walmart, she was also a single mom! But she did not earn enough to be able to afford a place to live, how sad and heartbreaking!

The Officer also learned that Ebony has a chronic blood disorder that was so serious that she had to miss days off work at a time, Ebony really felt like she was seriously letting down her children, she felt terrible about it!

She really did feel like the worse mo ever, each step forward she took seemed to force her to then take two steps back again.

The Officer after learning about Ebony went home to his wife and then had a powerful idea, he talked with his wife about it that evening, he could not just sit aside and watch this happening.

There really was not a thing in the world that could prepare Ebony for what was about to happen, watch what the officer does below:

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