Natasha Fuller, a bright 8-year-old student. Her teacher Jodi Schimdt was happy to have such student in her class, Natasha was always spreading her positive energy to her classmates.
However, Mrs. Schimdt, a mom of 3, didn’t know that Natasha was dealing with a serious illness and a separation from her family.
Natasha was obliged to be separated from her twin sister Brookelynn, who lived in Oklahoma with their parents, and had been staying with her grandparents Chris and Mark Burleton in Wisconsin for 2 years so she could get the necessary care at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin.
Natasha was born with prune belly syndrome which is a condition characterized by a lack of abdominal muscles, causing the skin on the abdominal area to wrinkle and appear “prune-
Natasha suffered infections from time to time, that caused to be taken off the transplant list each time. When her teacher knew about her condition, she decided to do something for her.
After talking with her parents, Mrs. Schimdt decided to do tests to see if she was a match. Can you believe how selfless is this teacher? When she got the results, she quickly called Natasha’s grandmother in to discuss what she had discovered.
Natasha’s grandmother had no clue about what the teacher did for her grand-daughter, she first thought that Mrs. Schimdt was going to talk about Natasha’s grades or health but she was stunned when she was given a pink box. You’ve got to watch her reaction in the video below. Natasha’s grandma couldn’t fight back her tears when she saw what’s in the box:
Even better is what happens when Natasha is called into the office and given the same box. It’s an emotional scene!