When you realize you’re going to perform in front of a big audience, you can’t help but feel nervous. Apparently, this is not the case for one UCLA gymnast. Katelyn Ohashi was working and preparing herself for the Pac 12 Championships, she was determined to impress everyone including the judges. After years of continuous practice and hard efforts to nail every move of her amazing routine, she stepped on the stage with total confidence to prove to the world that she is one talented gymnast. Despite being famous in the college circuit for scoring a perfect score many times, no one could ever imagine that she would pulled off such performance. Katelyn stood on the corner of mat, her blood is pumping and heart racing ready for the moment she always waited for.
The second she started, Katelyn gave everything she’s got to prove her competences. She moved from corner to another while music played on the background. Her teammates and fans were show of her capability and her skills. With them cheering her, Katelyn flipped, jumped and twirled around the mat. The judges were the only people who kept their coolness and kept watching attentively her movements. Were they pleased with her performance? Or were they secretly deducting point after point for mistakes undetected by the untrained eye?
Katelyn finished her stunning performance, the entire UCLA gymnastics team rushed onto the floor! they were proud of her and loved every second of her routine. They only needed the good news from the judges. When the final scores showed up, their screams were heard even higher! Katelyn managed to rank first in her category. Take a look at her performance below. We’re sure you’re going to agree with everyone who watched this routine that Katelyn deserves the top spot.
We would like to know your thoughts about Katelyn’s routine, so let us know in the comments section below and don’t forget to SHARE the video with your friends on Facebook!