One moment she would be totally healthy and happy, and then in an instant, the mood would change to hysteria and kicking and crying out loud. Susannah Cahalan was sick- really sick. At the hospital, she would kick the nurses and have seizures. She was hallucinating. In her mind, she saw things way out of the reality. She saw the nurses and doctors transforming into other things!
No one had an idea of what her problem was. There had been some cases like hers, but they were very rare. However, there’s always someone to figure stuff out and end the quagmire. In this case, Dr. Souhel Najjar knew what to do. He needed to establish whether Susannah’s was condition was neurological or psychological, so he asked her to draw a clock. Just that!
The results? She drew a clock with all the numbers to one side. With that, the brilliant doctor established that her problem was neurological and not psychological as earlier believed. It was treatable!
The ending was incredibly satisfying. Susannah was finally healed. Click on this video and watch the full version.