Choko, having escaped an abusive home, embarked on a homeless journey with his dogs Shaggy and Nenna. Alone on the streets, he pledged to care for them as his only family. A video capturing their story went viral, prompting global support and donations for a more peaceful life.
Moved by Choko’s love for his pets, people worldwide sent help, enabling them to live a better life. Choko, grateful for the outpouring of support, expressed his commitment to helping others in need.
Inspired to share their journey, Choko received a new phone as a gift, allowing him to start an Instagram page. The page quickly gained over 170,000 followers. The viral video documented the celebration of Shaggy’s 4th birthday at a gathering spot for animal lovers.
Choko, now a hero in his community, dreams of establishing an animal shelter to aid those in need