Rebecca and her son, Sian Pierre, have maintained a close relationship despite the challenges they faced as Pierre grew up. Rebecca has made sacrifices for her children as a single parent, and she still does to date. She has left an impression on her son, thanks to her perseverance.
One day, Rebecca called her son to share some news with him. She left him a voice mail asking him to call her.
At 75 years, Rebecca was fired from her hotel job. Sian Pierre received her mother’s email, and that change inspired him. Sian decided to give his mother one great gift; appreciation. It was his turn to reciprocate the same love his mother had shown him over the years.
Rebecca had a bucket list throughout the years that she was unable to fulfill while working. Sian decided to help his mother carry out every single item on the bucket list. Well, Rebecca’s bucket list will make you smile.
Find out more about this son and mother adventure in the video below!