Due to extreme winter weather conditions, schools are sometimes obliged to close its doors to keep students and teachers safe at their homes. Kids can’t hide their happiness when they find their schools mentioned on the list of cancellations. They start planning on what to do on that unexpected day off. Watch a movie? Play video games all day long? Go out sledding?
Now what about teachers and other school staff? What they would probably do on such day? Normally, people tend to avoid the bad weather for their safety, so they decide to stay at their warm houses. But not everyone does this. School administrators often have to report to school even if the weather is unfavorable, even if only for a bit. Lexington, Kentucky, elementary school principal Gerry Brooks is a teacher-turned-administrator who has had to fight off the elements and make his way to school even when the kids have a snow day and don’t have to show up for school.
We can say that this funny guy is not our typical principal. During the last snow day, Principal Brooks decided to show the students, parents and everyone else what he actually does when he heads to school on a snow day off. No one would ever expect hat this is what administrators do on snow days. His video has since gone viral and people cannot get enough of it! See for yourself what Principal Brooks does on those rare snow days in the South. It’s too funny not to laugh!