Christy Keane and her husband were excited when their second daughter Charlotte was born.
However, the couple noticed something was amiss with their child. She was not responding to verbal cues and other sounds like babies should. They took her to the doctor who told them their daughter was deaf, and was unsure if she would hear at all.
There are hearing aids and implants for deaf children but Charlotte’s case was different. However, the doctors asked Christy to consider them as an option.
Christy knew she would handle a deaf child. She was devastated would never hear that her parents loved her. The hearing aids arrived and were fitted into Charlotte’s ears.
Christy did not expect them to work but was in for a surprise. However, her daughter’s reaction changed everything.
Mom says hello and a smile creeps across the child’s face. She makes a face that could mean she is holding back her tears. For the first time, Charlotte could hear and react to her mother’s voice.