In a heartwarming incident, a heroic firefighter, Corey Lang, rescued a newborn baby that had been left in an alley. When Lang arrived on the scene, he noticed a woman frantically waving her arms and pointing towards a dresser drawer.
Upon opening the drawer, Lang discovered the baby, wrapped in blankets, and still had its umbilical cord attached. Someone had left a rosary beside the baby, but it was unclear who had placed the infant in the drawer.
Lang, who is a father of two, felt an immediate connection to the child and carried him to the ambulance when it arrived. He found it hard to let go of the baby and was touched when the infant opened his eyes, looked around the ambulance, and smiled a little bit while holding onto their fingers.
Lang’s heart was full of warmth when the baby looked him in the eye with his big brown eyes. Holding the little guy wrapped up in his arms, Lang was struck by how familiar it all felt.
The ambulance took the newborn to Lurie Children’s Hospital, and Lang went home. He took to social media to plead with parents to consider the consequences of abandoning their children in such situations and encouraged them to take unwanted babies to a hospital, firehouse, police station, or church.
Lang’s post touched many people, and some hopeful couples reached out, asking for information to adopt the baby. Lang’s experience made him believe that there was still kindness in humanity, and it resolidified his faith in humanity.