Sometimes you get the feeling you’re about to witness something incredibly unique and you just gotta stop and see what’s going to happen next.
That’s exactly what happened in German talent show The Voice Kids lately, when a young performer named Sofie walked on stage. The little girl barely hit the first note for three seconds before one the judges hit quickly the button to turn her chair around. Yes, only 3 seconds. Sofie made her step to the next phase with only two words!
So, how this little girl managed to captivate the judges, the audience and the viewers attention so quickly? You have to find it for yourself in her performance below.
As for me, I’m pretty sure you’ll enjoy her cover of Édith Piaf’s classic Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien as much as I did.
Turn your volume up, hit play on the clip below, and enjoy an exceptionally powerful performance.