When you do good things for other people, you get amazing things in return. like this little girl who selflessly gave away her money to a street performer, maybe she was only thinking about being kind and making the street performer smile. Little did she know what was about to happen next….
Shortly after dropping the change into the bassist’s hat, a cellist pops out of the crowd to come join him. The little girl watches in amazement as musician after musician steps into the plaza to play music as well. She had no idea that her tip to the bassist would spark a full blown “flash orchestra.” Her smiles spreads to others watching nearby as the music grows louder and louder!
Just moments after dropping the change into the bassist’s hat, a cellist comes out of the crowd and joins him. The little girl watched in awe as other musicians step one by one into the plaza to play music as well. She had no clue giving a small tip would incite a full blown “flash orchestra”.
It is amazing to see this happen but what is even more amazing is seeing the smile on the little girl’s face. I don’t know about you, but if I was there I think I would go drop some money in the hat as well!
This beautiful performance and the way it all started with one child’s small donation completely blew me away. What an incredible performance. I have chills!
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