When the organizer of the traditional Iowa Tribe Dance decided to invite a United States Marine Lance Corporal Maryland Trey Kent, those present had no idea they were about to get treated to a mix of two worlds, on top of witnessing an amazing dancing show.
The marine was standing attention, next to him was a Native American dressed in the full warrior costume. Then when the drums started to beat, it all happened. It became obvious that two brothers were dancing together.
This was no ordinary dance; the plan was to honor this marine. So when he accepted the invitation to come and be honored, he tried his best to give them what they expected from a marine. And when that happens, you know, marine doing his best, then you have a very successful mission.
Now take a look and watch the marine’s and warrior’s faces throughout the dance. You will see the passion they have for what they are doing. Imagine how wonderful it would be to see it personally and maybe even get to join in at the end. It would be awesome, right? I thought so too.
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