
The majority of the people do not understand the language of nature. However, Paul Stamets, a mycologist, hopes to educate people on how the fungi system helps the ecosystem.

There are so many things we do not appreciate about Mother Nature. Paul Stamets explores fungi and their role in enriching the nutrients in the forest. Maintaining our forests helps defend the ecosystem against damage caused by humans.

Paul hopes humans will appreciate the role played by fungi and mushrooms in the ecosystem. If only humans understood how to communicate with nature, we would help save Mother Nature. Paul has dedicated his time in learning how to communicate with nature. He challenges those who are not willing to try. He encourages everyone to make an effort to learn and appreciate the most unappreciated fantastic fungi.

Watch Paul’s amazing footage below on one of the most amazing creations from Nature. Let us know what you think in the comments section. What are willing to do to protect nature?

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